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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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this is how we kill time and the pain from torture and hunger and i still get headaches when i remember this time. valley iranian soldier mohammad spent eighteen years in an iraqi jail during the one thousand nine hundred eighty s. iran iraq war he says he would have been freed earlier if he joined the ek image he didn't help to realize the militant revolutionary group was fighting iran in authority on the side of saddam hussein and recruiting new members a month prisoners but mohamed refused either they were terrorists killing innocent people i couldn't have anything to do with them i betray my country then the group indeed had a very gory history in the one nine hundred sixty s. it started a bombing campaign against iran's shah and his allies they were linked to the killing of american citizens and welcomed the u.s. embassy siege in teheran openly calling for the execution of the hostages. the terror continued after these lawmakers evolution with the association of the
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country's president prime minister along with many politicians and clerics generous support from hussein it fought hard in iran as well as saddam's enemies inside iraq in one thousand nine hundred seventy and ek joined america's list of terrorist organizations along with al qaeda and hamas and was cited in arguments for the invasion of iraq today iran iraq is still view ek as terri's group but america's position has now flipped any case as a ranch democratic all this is just part of the large scale and successful lobby to get and make a off the terror least among backers former white house officials army generals and cia chiefs extremely disturbing this is a this is this at the time was a terrorist group they were supposed to be paying officials and moving money around and yet somebody was turning a blind eye to that campaign i think that anything potentially is going to have an influence on the u.s. policy towards iran and could get the us into a very dangerous position as far as potentially going to war with iraq iranian
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officials second that saying and became a place similar role that america back the position forces played in regime change in libya and the current conflict in syria. main support of beasts to reduce groups. cultivars because they use from that through to through political means. new yorker reporter in his article called our men iran reveals how members of a were trained by america's joint special operations command in a camp in nevada. this is part of an anteroom policy sanctions on iran a strong but they don't seem to work very well america started using inside agents to destabilize the country and they're using terrorism as a tool now to those question about ties between israel and iran according to america's n.b.c. network unnamed u.s. officials confirmed emmy k. was involved in the assassination of
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a number of iranian nuclear scientists backed by israeli intelligence service my son by israel secret service this quaint tehran is named after the terror of a two man iranian nuclear scientist killed in his own car this area known as written job is a very poor and vibrant place many people pass through here while heading to the mountains resort outside iran an ideal location to remind people about something that shouldn't be forgotten or forgiven. mohamed says make a recognized is a democratic alternative to running. feel surreal to him. like nothing's changed they are terrorist tactics may be changed but still the west uses it to get information to get what they want. and the terrorists he says is likely to keep his brutal ways to move. from iran. to other news now candlelit vigils have been held across india in remembrance of
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a girl who died after being gang raped on a bus in the capital prosecutors have laid murder charges against the six people accused of her death the twenty three year old was raped beaten before being thrown out of the moving vehicle her body has been flown back to new delhi from singapore where she was being treated. the french constitutional council has struck down plans to impose a seventy five percent income tax rate on rich people it's a claim the proposal was an equal as it was to be applied to individuals and not to households the government has promised to rework the bill as increasing tax for wealthy people has been central to present a long economic policy. france is not alone in trying to raise more cash to fend off the economic crisis facing europe now we bring you the personal side of the story we've been reporting throughout two thousand and twelve which we look back at events.
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it came to the point where if you walked into the studio you knew there was going to be a story about europe and austerity protests and riots whether it would be nice for greece or even the u.k. and these were real people in real situations in very scary situations and our correspondent. out there in the midst of it all. so we. stood. square and i could see the cameraman behind the camera everybody else around me putting gas masks on you for moscow going to see your life before you can say anything you get that horrible taste in your mouth and of course it's the tear gas that's because. these demonstrations in greece along with the firing of molotov cocktails and clashes with the place the producers like to see the correspondents
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in the middle of a crowd which is great but then the crowd are shouting correspondents try to speak out everyone's very loud you can't hear anything that makes for good television. it's an incredible event covering it is pretty exciting you've got political elements you. force you've got the tragic human stories of people who are driven to desperation and pushed onto the streets to protest what they see as their livelihood you feel the way to pay back this most of. all people think it's about spain's crippling unemployment figures especially amongst the young about the cost of the state the services and then you really get a sense of just how angry how desperate people love to get the full of love that's doing to the country into you. in the middle of one of these big protest movements when the clashes break out. the economic crisis it is spend spend spend as people in the u.k.
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are making the most of seasonal cycles but it's fine if they think their hard earned money is going towards britain's economic revival then they're very much mistaken. proud to be british brits and terrorists alike often pay for their quintessentially british experience says on aware that they're run by foreign companies harrods the dorchester hotel and even the queen's grocer fortnum and mason keeping the fortnum and mason is a british store. is it not is he owned by the japanese or something like that it's been here for ages so i assumed it was wholly owned by british people no nevermind everything's ok now you know the reason that things are getting. bad almost half the companies in the u.k. and now in foreign hands the coalition government in britain likes to talk about the march of the makers have a march of the makers if we're selling of all that is good household names like boots the chemist cadbury's chocolate and weetabix cereal have all been gobbled up
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by foreign corporations your traditional bacon butty hardly imaginable without h.p. source the name stands for houses of parliament the label even has westminster on it but the white house might be more fitting h.p. now belongs to heinz and as you're spreading your hartley's jam or your son packed peanut butter over your morning toast you might be surprised to learn that these british brands were just bought up by another american company in fact even thames water which comes out of every single tap in and around london now belongs to an australian company advocates of foreign takeovers say they inject much needed cash into the british economy here recently with premier foods not only selling off. pickle selling off hartley's just. some peanut butter and also closing down some of
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their hovis manufacturing and you have an interest in what's the reaction a great use for investors although it is bleak news just before christmas. for the workforce two years ago kraft the u.s. food giant swallowed up cat place chocolate it was a hostile takeover they slashed four hundred jobs and moved production to poland in the process but there are those that say that the loss of sweets is the least of britain's problems and the loss of control over ports to in this country and around the world where we have a huge network of of good international ports i think is a very serious matter the loss of control over our airports the loss of control particularly over our energy companies which means decisions about our energy control and supply are not made in london there maybe in paris and in berlin or overseas tax havens such as in switzerland when companies take over they often move their headquarters away from the u.k.
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or look for better advantages in terms of the tax system a good example of that was perhaps the chemist which was a company with a head office in nottingham for one hundred sixty one years i moved in switzerland where we had revenues of around eighty nine million pounds of corporation tax and they reduced that then to nine billion so burden is then placed on the u.k. tax payer increases in income tax of the eighty or other forms of taxation it has to be found and we're the ones paying for it other nations governments scrutinize every overseas bed france for example argues that it's in their national interest to prevent key technologies falling into foreign hands so while it's often difficult for a british company to buy abroad over thirty billion pounds worth of domestic companies made their way into foreign hands last year last month westminster said that it wouldn't change any laws but would take a greater interest in foreign acquisitions the only thing is by the time they get
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around to it there might be nothing left to sell. art see london. now coming up russia u.s. relations the syrian conflict and other major challenges all discussed in exclusive interview with russia's foreign minister that's in a few minutes. cut i. played.
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play. thanks. thanks. thanks. i. good laboratory. was to build the world's most sophisticated robot which really
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doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation and why you should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. to russia's foreign minister thank you very much for being with r.t. today my pleasure by your ending your ear with a visit to india russia has been clear in its support for india's aspirations to become a permanent member of un security council how do you think the much criticised joint security council will benefit from india's participation. first of all i would say that criticism is not always warranted the latest wave of criticism was
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related to the fact that the security council allegedly cannot act on syria. by these by the desire to see some action on the part of the security council the critics want to pass the resolution under chapter seven which provides for the use of sanctions on the use of force eventually and russia and china are convinced hundred percent that this would be a disaster and that this would be the beginning of a very slippery slope and will bring us to the libyans in the area which we cannot afford anymore and the region cannot afford the security council was once expended only in the category of not permanent members and no. after several decades of the council functioning in the unchanged composition there is a very strong movement towards expanding its membership to better reflect the.
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pluralism of the of the world community and we are strongly in favor of this we are convinced that the developing countries and the first of all the new economic and financial leaders in the third world countries like india brazil for example that they must be represented in the security council and we would be in favor of making them new permanent members. provided of course the decision is taken to create new permanent seats like yours said russia is permanently blocking attempts of some of your own security council members to pass a resolution for that would allow an in a foreign intervention into syria but do you think a military action could still play take place going around the un like it happening case of iraq. well not only in case of iraq but also in case of the former yugoslavia yes it is it is possible and you just cited that one example there
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are some others but i also feel that those who would like to interfere in the syrian crisis they don't want to do this without some kind of legitimate. and often the action in the united nations which could be used to justify this as being legitimate some people would like very much to internationalize this situation and to expand violence beyond the syrian border set them said being made to specially in cases when the refugees have to flee syria because of the disproportionate actions by the government forces but on the other side the position the armed groups of their position which are several which which are not united on this single come on the whole series of acceptable methods
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saluki contrary to international humanitarian law. they can cause to just. the staging terrorist attacks and it is very disheartening that our western called digs in the security council started to refuse. condemning terrorist attacks in syria saying that yes there is ms bed but you must take into account the overall context of what is going on in syria and why people resort to terrorist attacks it's absolutely unacceptable and this logic might lead us if we follow this logic might lead us to a very dangerous situation not only in the middle east but in other parts of the world if. the west would begin to. qualify terrorist as. bed terrorist and acceptable terrorists one more reason
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that arises time to time that could actually ok the foreign intervention is serious possession of chemical weapons do you believe that syria will use chemical weapons or is this another pretext for an invasion. i don't believe syria would use chemical weapons it would be political. suicide for the government if it does and it is also accept that by. everybody including go west and colleagues the europeans and americans that the biggest threat. in this situation is. the probability that the rebels might take hold of chemical weapons and therefore when while recognizing these right now of western friends say but still the responsibilities with the syrian government they were in the rebels they called it it's
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a very strange logic because at the same time there was a very people encourage rebels not to negotiate with the government but to continue fighting and giving them arms money and moral and political support so it's a very controversial position. in general the logic of those who say no negotiations with us that is really very controversial and very dangerous because. well they're not justifying what the government is doing they have been making a lot of mistakes have been using force disproportionately the security forces clearly war and are prepared to face the public. protests and protests in the cities and in the villages they have been threatening you know to come into foreign aggression not to keep law and order a civilized manner but their position is provoking the government as i said
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resorting to terrorist attacks taking hostages and also introducing into this conflict the stick there in their mansion which is very dangerous it is already reverberates in the muslim world. arab kurds. and be. the sneak and confessional sic their income position of syria is so complex that if. the chaos is established there it was very great all over the region but coming back to the present situation if people who say you know negotiations with us. if they believe that. he's departure in whatever form is number one priority then they must understand that for these geopolitical goal of theirs they would
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have to pay the price but the price in the lives of the serious of the syrian civilians nato is the claimant of patrick miss out on turkish syrian border is that part of solution and why are they really targeted that we recognize the right for turkey to think about its own security and their right of turkey to use for this purpose the international arrangements which turkey has in that particular case nato membership. and we accepted this as a given. on the other hand the more military to be or you accumulate in one place. the more risk you have that this had to or one day would be used. as for the. purpose of this deployment yes i read here that some experts believe that if it is intended
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to prevent any. syrian crossfire. band that could be positioned to be different and that is visits to be positioned some people say it is quiet. useful to protect the. american the radar which is part of the american missile defense system building quoting the threat from iran. if this is the case then it is even more risky i would say because this multiple purpose deployment. could create additional. temptations iran rather than syria well that's what that's what some people say. the configuration as it is being presented in the media it. really looks like it could be used against their own you
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know syria is not the o.e. issue between america and russia first think obama did when he got reelected is that he signed the so-called magnitsky law that would sanction russian citizens and some russian officials what does it tell you about the new stage of the russian u.s. relations with putting obama at the helm but i don't think this was the first thing about one hundred first was very like that this was inevitable when. the senators some of the guardian and some other censored use this idea that it was clearly. to create catch twenty two for the administration because that ministration was moving the removal of jacksonville. amendment with the support of quite a number of people on the hill. and this was absolutely obvious that the ricans want it because it was rushed obsession to w two. keeping checks and then it
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would mean depriving the american companies of the benefits of. membership of the russian federation so they had to do this. anyway and then the republicans i think decided to have this. and to hinge the jackson very. removal on magnitsky act which was at that moment i think most of it. done against president obama. because as for the russian citizens who have been included on that list and they haven't seen it it's still. not published. if they want to prevent russian citizens they don't like to enter the united states they can do it without their children are those without any show well remember the
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off record conversation that obama and madrid had and obama promised to be more flexible right after elections but from what you're saying how how how much flexible can he really be or allow himself to be with this republican opposition in congress well i think that's the peculiarities of the american system and in a congressman can threes consideration of. very important issues just because the beef from his particular state is not being admitted to one country or another for the senate the reasons and. the issues of global importance could be just frozen because of the. interest of one single state in the united states. and the interest having nothing to do with the substance of the issue in question so sometimes the issues of huge
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importance like the you know the israeli palestinian conflict and the need to settle it being the just for years and years. because of the peculiarity of the near it in the electoral cycles we would prefer. to approach international issues on the basis of the. merit and then the basis of the crying need to do something to get a result looking back at your domestic politicking interests so you are both russia's foreign minister thank you very much for this interview thank you.
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